Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ALA: Off the Chain

Off the Chain: Reader’s Advisory for Exploding Genres

This program was a panel of speakers. Highlights were the author Zane talking about her fiction and David Wright from Seattle Public Library (moderator). The purpose of this program was to talk about new genres, especially those popular among twentysomethings, the library’s “lost generation.” Edgy fiction, cult authors, urban fiction and graphic novels were the main genres discussed. The following is a list of popular authors that, according to the panel, libraries should have:

Charles Bukowski
Mark Danielewski
Haruki Marakami
Kelly Link
Douglas Coupland
Bret Easton Ellis
Chuck Palahniuk
Iceberg Slim
David Goines
Vickie Stringer

A magazine that was mentioned that more libraries should own in order to be in touch with emerging literature is Believer. An RA book that would be extremely helpful is The Rough Guide to Cult Fiction.
It was interesting to hear Zane talk about her life, writing, and publishing career. All I really knew about her was that her books were extremely popular when I worked at Phoenix Public Library. They were always either checked out or stolen. Years ago she started writing stories and emailing them to family and friends. Word got around that she was a good writer and then she started putting her work on the web. Eventually, she started her own small press. Her work is mainly popular erotic fiction geared toward women.

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