Monday, May 21, 2007

Chapter A Day Email

I recently signed up for an Email Book Club. The way that it works is that you receive a five minutes portion of a book in your Inbox each day. By the end of the week, if you like what you've read, you can get the book from the library. A new book starts every Monday. There are many new clubs that you can pick from, for example Fiction, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Pre-Pub, and Teen. I joined the fiction club. Today I received in my Inbox the first portion of a new book entitled City of Glory by Beverly Swerling.

This service is offered by library where I work and by thousands of other libraries around the country. The service is provided by It's a good way to see if you're going to like a particular book without investing too much time into it. I used to finish every book I started whether or not I even liked it. I've decided now that there are too many things out there that I really want to read, so why waste my time with something I don't even like? For example, last week I started listening to Sidhartha by Herman Hesse on audio CD. I got 2/3 of the way through the first disc and decided I couldn't stand it. I know it's a classic, but I just couldn't do it.